In the ED, their vitals/exam are as above. Differential includes continue phlebitis, DVT, bicep strain/tear/rupture, bicep tendon strain/tear/rupture, referred/neuropathic pain, distal humerus/proximal radial/ulnar bruise/fracture. Lower suspicion for cellulitis, necrotizing fascitis given pain is not out of proportion to exam, compartment syndrome given lack of pallor/paresthesias/paralysis/abnormal pulse, or elbow/shoulder bruise/fracture/dislocation given lack of TTP in that area. Without chest pain or SOB concerning for PE. Doubt myositis given without risk factors present including no statin use or dark, brown urine.
– Labs/Tests: None
– Imaging: XRs of UE, BSUS looking for clot, UENI
– Treatments: Naproxen, Tylenol, Lidocaine patch
– Consults: None
– Dispo: Pending clinical resolution