Cardiogenic Shock

In the ED, their vitals/exam are as above. Patient in cardiogenic shock likely due to acute decompensated heart failure with possible precipitants including myocardial ischemia/infarction, sepsis, dietary indiscretion, medical nonadherence, COPD/PE leading to increased right-sided afterload, renal failure leading to increased preload, hypertensive crisis leading to increased left-sided afterload, arrhythmias, acute valvular dysfunction (endocarditis, MR, […]

Cardiac transplant

In the ED, vitals/exam are as above. Given patient is status post orthotopic heart transplantation, they are at high risk for ACS/inflammatory coronary disease (also known as coronary insufficiency, have high suspicion if patient on sirolimus), arrhythmia (either primary or due to rejection), acute heart failure, pericardial effusion, pseudo-aneurysm/aneurysm/dissection, acute rejection, occult infection (including bacterial/viral/fungal […]

Cardiac arrest

Events – Initial rhythm: {Blank multiple:19197:: “VFib”, “Pulseless VT”, “Asystole”, “PEA”} – Any different subsequent rhythms: {Blank multiple:19197:: “VFib”, “Pulseless VT”, “Asystole”, “PEA”, “No”} – Final rhythm: {Blank multiple:19197:: “VFib”, “Pulseless VT”, “Asystole”, “PEA”} – Number of cycles: *** – Number of shocks: *** – IV access: *** – Airway management: *** – Drugs given: […]


In the ED, their vitals/exam are as above. Patient will likely canker sore in the setting of *** causing injury/stretching of the intraoral mucosal tissues. – Labs/Tests: None – Imaging: None – Treatments: None – Consults: None – Dispo: Likely discharge with prescription for Anbesol (topical benzocaine), primary care provider follow-up, and return precautions

Burn ICU

In the ED, their vitals/exam are as above. Airway ***. TBSA *** % with*** evidence of deep thickness burns. *** concern for overlying cellulitis given {Burn cellulitis:39307} – Labs/Tests: VBG, ABG, Lactate, CBC, CMP, CO, CN, CK, Troponin T-hs q1h x2, BNP, ESR/CRP, serum tox, urine tox, blood cultures, wound cultures – Imaging: CXR – […]

Breast concerning

In the ED, their vitals/exam are as above. The differential for breast pathology is broad and includes cellulitis +/- abscess, deep space infection (enhanced if patient has spacer/expander), post-surgical scarring/irritation, mastitis, dermatologic process from bra irritation, malignancy. This patient’s presentation is most consistent with ***. Without concern for Peau d’orange with underlying malignancy, especially given patients […]

Breast Benign

In the ED, their vitals/exam are as above. The differential for breast pathology is broad and includes cellulitis +/- abscess, deep space infection (enhanced if patient has spacer/expander), post-surgical scarring/irritation, mastitis, dermatologic process from bra irritation, malignancy. This patient’s presentation is most consistent with ***. Without concern for Peau d’orange with underlying malignancy, especially given patients […]

Brain mets

In the ED, their vitals/exam are as above. Patient’s s/s are consistent with *** due to brain mets. DDx includes mass effect, edema, seizure, ICH, ischemic stroke, infection. Without s/s of midline shift or elevated ICP today. – Labs/Tests: POCT glucose, Lactate, CBC, CMP, Coags, T&S, UA – Imaging: Stat CTH, MRI – Treatments: Dexamethasone […]

Brain mass

In the ED, their vitals/exam are as above. Today with new brain mass on ***. With*** s/s of midline shift. No evidence of elevated ICP today. With*** s/s of focal neurologic deficit today concerning for need for emergent neurosurgical intervention. – Labs/Tests: Preop labs – Imaging: Brain MRI (tumor protocol) – Treatments: Dexamethasone 10mg loading […]


In the ED, their vitals/exam are as above. Patient is ***tensive. With*** altered mental status. With*** chest pain. With*** s/s of acute decompensated heart failure. With*** evidence of 2nd/3rd degree heart block on EKG. With*** current GI illness. With*** clear vagal event. With*** s/s of beta blocker overdose, calcium channel blocker overdose, clonidine overdose, opioid overdose, alcohol intoxication, […]